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 stardust Memories
  Poetry - Euro-English Poetry blog

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full moon in
the daytime
mirror mirror
number nine
9 9 9 9

How high can you put

cell-phone navigation
moves over the vegetation

fundamental alone
how close can you get

Stardust Memories / mdH

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH  ( stMemmdH )
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL , March  30, 2018
-- ( first publication )







Stardust Memories / mdH

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH  ( stMemmdH )
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL , March  19, 2018
-- ( first publication )


In the obligation.
It was always the same
Nothing important.
And so on.

Western currents and
incoming tide.
Clouds continue to
Reception facilities

Not much.
And outside again.
Also for those
who want the best for

Stardust Memories / mdH

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH  ( stMemmdH )
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, March  03, 2018
-- ( first publication )

Was standing

there is a heavy one
older ones
those with their watches
those with them
black baked
saints stall

that almost
the whole humiliation

wet black
hard-driven abstractions
in dried peat

wet black watchbands
stood there
with their wet watches

Stardust Memories / mdH

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, January  26, 2017
-- ( first publication )

frontier Case

consult me? "
situation in the

for example
perspective of
feel well
whatever you want

then cry,
difficult to
probably wondering,
anger forever
over the highest
give. Then it is

and look
. Your message
represents what
you're angry

found poetry
Stardust Memories / mdH

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, January  26, 2017
-- ( first publication )

Senseless holiday

Coming from the sleep
connecting with the universe.
dirty ugly dust
the dust
flying settle for walking
standing sit still ears open
nose breaths air blood
cosmos   next step

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH ( february 2004 )
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, December  06, 2016
-- ( first publication )

Ugly 5 Red hot

Ugly night
ugly blood
blood of life
ugly blood

mud mother
who controls it
who initiates it
who is most important

messenger of destruction

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH ( 21-02-2004 )
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, December  06, 2016
-- ( first publication )

Among themselves, seasoned through time and confirmation
a mirror copy of familiar loneliness
in selected excerpts from the flow of information
floats in that infinitely wide current and disseminated.
Studied at the effect and target sorts, following
the impact and following recognition, and with those ingredients
create a union.

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, April  04, 2016
-- ( first publication )

Order your holiday.
Call for travelling advices.
Caling by phone gets less
and less popular.
This time is hard
to describe.
3 point 75 billion
minutes of phonecalls.
Sartre, Salinger.
Tolstoj was ahead
of his time.
Yvette feels lonesome.
Peggy has lost her way.
It seems. Maybe.
He thought, it looks like
my list.
He used to have a list.
I also had a list.

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, february  29, 2016
-- ( first publication )


 in a body

 is born
 in a body

 A body

 ( nature ? ).
 the spirit
 the soul
 is in itself
 - I -
 my mind

 = me
 = my
 own mind ?
 own creation ?

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, October 9, 2015
-- ( first publication )


Not a word.
It's just not a word.
Nothing is added, nothing is said.
No new entry is made.
No comment, no update.

-- author :  stardust Memories/mdH
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, July 22, 2015
-- ( first publication )

Dans mon Rêve
un petit cheval
Frappe du sabot, hennit,
galope sans trêve
Le long du canal,
Ensence sans déni
Le soleil, dans sa course,
L'accompagne, et il danse,
Et sa crinière rousse
Douce comme l'enfance,
Flotte dans le vent clair !
Des murmures montent,
Voici, comme un éclair,
Tel le coursier des contes,
Qu'il vole dans les airs,
C'est ce que l'on raconte !

                        Michelle Caussat

-- author :  Michelle Causat
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, July 06, 2015
-- ( first publication )

Cette nuit...

Cette nuit le silence m'a troublé
Il était si uniquement parfait

C'etait tout au fond d'une nuit
Je l'ai écouté avec délices

C'etait bien un bien rare
Une jetée nouvelle lancée

Pas une pulsation
Suelement une ligne d'épaisseur inouïe

Seulement un moment oú tout s'arrête
Je le découvrais dans sa hauteur

Seulement une nuit calme et entière
Elle s'offrait tout à coup à mon attente

Ce n'etait qu'une gorgée à boire
Un temps vif s'égrenait en douce minutes

                                            -- Gérard Lemaire

-- author :  Gérard Lemaire
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, May 03, 2015
-- Previously published in stardust's Leaving Texas blog and ( in print ) in "Le pot à mots", #1, Nantes 2015, France.


Le S. déréalise les individus

Le S. déréalise les individus
Il leur crève les yeux
A coups de projecteurs longs

Il commémore à tour de vis
Les génocides cent ans après les os de seiche

Baba-cool géno-acide
Suite Rosa Spartakus

Splash ball dans la tête des dents
Pub gratuite pour handicapés mentaux

Vivre à l'envers mon gars
Si tu veux ton ticket minima vital

Big Sister observe tes tics au carrè
Quelque fois que tu oublierais la quête de fin d'trottoir

Commémore la nuée qui passe
Avant qu'elle arrose ton ex-voto

                                                        --Gérard Lemaire, 2015
                                                            ( Le S. = Le Systême )

-- author :  Gérard Lemaire 
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, May 03, 2015
-- Previously published in stardust's Leaving Texas blog 


I thought about ?
and my own marriage
in a research

vaap, set foot, private constellation
( being held is very revealing )
Now her.
Television is dull
and up redoing
gray plywood whereabouts
in the outer suburb


-- author :  Mark Sonnenfeld
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, May 02, 2015
-- Previously published in the MaryMark Press / Give-Out Sheet Series 2014


The what about the German TV-actress Google Search Blues

Q: What about the german tv-actress google search blues
A: Breaking News .. Anchor's shocking realization on live TV. U.S. officials ... Boy gets Nazi ring from vending machine. Cereal cafe .... TV Schedule | Blue Bloods A Night on the Town (HD, TV-14) Danny tries to juggle investigating a ... Judge Judy When German Sheperds Attack!; TV Remote Control Assault?  Johnny Cash ... Keep On The Sunny Side · Johnny Cash. 1. $9.99. 1. $9.99. With His Hot And Blue Guitar. Pre-ordered · With His Hot And Blue Guitar · Johnny Cash. 1. $9.99. ... anything to memory; 69 symbols; 70 A quote regarding the Blues; 18:21, 27 June 2008 (UTC)Purple Hayes "The blues singer and harmonica player Sonny Boy Williamson II is reported to have told Robbie Robertson "Those cats in England want to play the blues so bad, and they play 'em so bad" (Source: Charles Shaar Murray Crosstown Traffic (St. Martin's Press, 1991) p. 81). Or there again it might have been "Those English boys...", or "They...", or "...and they play it so bad", or "...and they do play the blues so bad." As usual with a quotation from conversation the precise words depend on the quoter. --Antiquary 19:39, 27 June 2008 (UTC)  71 Who said this quote? ....  The only attribution I could find was "German proverb. .... I am almost sure it was in a film rather than T.V .  TV Guide -  Your full Australian TV guide, your way. Browse by channel, day or time; personalise your listing; set reminders; watch catch up and more. ... Her mother's family had left Germany before World War II to avoid the Nazi ... She became a regular on local Australian radio and television shows .... She was al... Olivia Newton-John was born in Cambridge, England, to a Welsh father, Brinley ("Bryn") Newton-John, and a Berlin-born mother, Irene Helene (née Born), the eldest child of the Nobel Prize-winning atomic physicist Max Born. Her mother's family had left Germany before World War II to avoid the Nazi regime (Max Born was half-Jewish, his father was Jewish, and his mother was of German descent). Her maternal great-grandmother was jurist Victor Ehrenberg and her matrilineal great-grandmother's father was German jurist Rudolf von Jhering. Newton-John's father was an MI5 officer on the Enigma project at Bletchley Park who took Rudolf Hess into custody during the Second World War.

-- author :  stardust Memories / mdH 
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, Januari 22, 2015
-- Posting date is copyright proof
-- second internet publication


fariite "

"With th Jr!jvry nf th" 1t th- t-
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-- 3 found poems edited by the author ( 09.2014 )
-- author :  stardust Memories / mdH 
-- posted by stardust [at] DeDS NL, September 16, 2014
-- Posting date is copyright proof



It took me about eight weeks to reach the port of Galveston.The remains of a code were scattered over the newspapersin my luggage. The bag looked empty. A man seemed to speak backward to me. That said in this space. That sad. He said. That's that, he said. That's sad. How goes it? He asked. I said it was too quiet. Always he said. But first I had to enter the port of Galveston, and let my feet make contact with solid Texas soil. My bag contained some old newspapers, no money. It was as if a man next to me talked backward about translations. It was as if he shouted hey sailor and laughing loud telling me he was a French writer former member of a famous guitar band. Gave me some texts. French he said. I said that I did not know about that. I said I don't know. No money I said. Want to translate he said. Do me a favor sailor. It was said that I said I don't know. Improving, he said, it should return soon. We were talking about general categories, not individuals. That's sad. Both code and newspapers hid details of a annoying message on the border. As far as I could comprehend leaving Texas was essential. Stranded in Galveston I considered the situation. Again I was accused of spoiling the market.

-- author :  stardust Memories / mdH
-- posted by
stardust [at] DeDS NL, August 04, 2014 
-- Posting date is copyright proof


    Look at picture

imitate image  imitate the image  but  the image is silent  imitated images  don't
know what to say  silent  we don't speak  but communicate  in a large range  of
symbols  imitated from the  images  around us So to speak  we turn  but   we
don't speak  our images  sing or  advertise we sing along  tell each other about
cheap offers, new consumer goods. In the privacy of our room our lips whisper
the lines  of songs  we  know them by heart  no way we whisper them to our
closest friends  we speak  about others  we prefer to  speak about others  we
imitate  we prefer to imitate  originality  isolates  we imitate  and are alike
speak about  others  like us  and stay alike  this way  

--stardust Memories / mdH 2011
--Posting date is copyright proof

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